Monday, January 14, 2008

A text to translate

This is a passage I like. Please feel free to contribute with anything
you like. I will provide my own translation in the few coming days 
but please feel free to contribute with anything you see fit, even 
unfinished senteneces.

As I soon discovered, the word “big” hardly did justice to him. Effing’s son was immense, monumental in his bulk, a pandemonium of flesh heaped upon flesh. I had never met anyone of his dimensions before, and when I first spotted him sitting on a couch in the hotel lobby, I hesitated to approach him. He was one of those monstrous fat men you sometimes pass in a crowd: no matter how hard you struggle to avert your eyes, you can’t help gawking at him. He was titanic in his obesity, a person of such bulging, protrusive roundness that you could not look at him without feeling yourself shrink.

Paul Auster, Moon Palace, p. 235. 1989 edition printed by Clays Ltd

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