Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Garlic to fight H1N1

William Lagadyn wrote the following:

H1N1 flu, swine flu, pig flu, or whatever the health community is labeling this recent virus, is not something you want to take lightly. Six weeks ago both my wife and I became infected with what I now call "the evil virus" and at first we thought it was just a seasonal flu bug so we would let it run its natural course. You know the normal symptoms... fever, chills, coughing, sniffles and no energy. But after a week we started to feel worse.

First came the hacking cough, coupled with sinus drainage which made our throats very sore causing swallowing difficulties. I suspect the sinus drainage was a contributing factor to the throat inflammation, but sipping non-acidic juices helped soothe our throats and made swallowing food a little easier.

Week 2

We started experiencing headaches, and sore muscles along with the sinus drainage and constant coughing which was getting worse. Add in several nights with not much sleep and you can imagine how fatigued we were.

Week 3

Our symptoms were worsening. We were feeling very rundown and exhausted, we had never-ending sinus drainage so bad now you needed to blow your nose every 5 or ten minutes, and chills one minute and sweating the next,breathing difficulties, and phlegm which required hacking and coughing to expel.

Week 4

Most of our symptoms were getting a little worse and some more frequent. Being in a warm bed at night slowed down the sinus drainage but the phlegm buildup was getting very bad. Phlegm so thick it would cause you to wake up several times at night gasping for air.

It's pretty scary when you can't breathe and have no idea what's happening to your body. Most phlegm you can cough-up and easily spit it out. This phlegm was very sticky and was extremely hard to clear and spit out.

Week 5

We started to fight the virus back because it was getting worse and we couldn't take it anymore. My wife is 57 and I am 66 and a virus can often cause other health problems which we didn't want. Especially the side effect called death.

Kill The Virus Before it Kills Us

We never take any OTC meds or prescription drugs but instead rely on the same natural remedies that have been used all over the world for many generations to kill viruses and solve other health problems.

The first thing we did in our fight against "the evil virus" was to take some "Oil of Oregano." Oil of Oregano is a very powerful antiviral which is natural and will help build up your immune system so you can fight this virus.

This virus has the potential to cause wide spread sickness and many deaths according to some medical establishment.

We knew using antibiotics will not cure a viral infection and infections related to the respiratory system are viral, so we needed to attack with natural antiviral products

Knowing that raw garlic is antiviral we went on attack. Garlic has been used for 100's of years to treat many health disorders and has no side effects. Well, besides chasing away your mate or vampires.

What We Did

All we did was chop up 8 fresh garlic cloves a day and each of us ate four before retiring for the evening.

The garlic was cut up into tiny little pieces so you didn't have to chew it. Using a teaspoon we put a small amount of garlic pieces in our mouths and had a little water to wash the garlic down.

It proved quite easy to do, and almost eliminated the breath odor by doing it this way.

Three Days

Was all it took to completely destroy the virus and take our former good health back. All symptoms completely disappeared and have not returned.

We can not say enough about this natural way we used to destroy this viral infection by using raw garlic. It quite possibly saved our lives.
William Lagadyn is a medical researcher and was the first person to unravel the mysteries of heartburn and acid reflux problems. His natural healing methods were first discovered over 20 years ago, and since that time he has helped 1000's of people completely solve their digestive problems. For more information on how to solve your digestive problems such as heartburn, acid reflux or GERD without the use of potentially dangerous drugs forever, please visit his website at http://www.cureyourheartburn.com

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?H1N1-Cure?&id=2947559

H1N1 among my students

Two suspected cases of H1N1 among my students earlier this morning. 

Sunday, November 22, 2009

أنا من سنين أحب الجزائر - للشاعر فاروق جويدة

شهيد على صدر سيناء يبكي
ويدعو شهيدا بقلب الجزائـــر
تعالّ إليّ ففي القلب شكـــوى
وبين الجــــوانح حزن يكــــابر
لماذا تهون دماء الرجــــــال
ويخبو مع القهر عزم الضمائر

دماء توارت كنبض القلوب
ليعلو عليها ضجيج الصغائــــر
إذا الفجر أصبح طيفـا بعيــدا

تـباع الدماء بسوق الحناجـــــــر
على أرض سيناء يعلو نــداء
يكبر للصبـــح فوق المنابـــــــر

وفي ظلمة الليل يغفو ضيـاء
يجيء ويغدو.. كألعـاب ساحــر
لماذا نسيتــم دماء الرجــــــــال
على وجه سينا.. وعين الجزائر؟!

على أرض سينــاء يبدو شهيـد
يطوف حزينـا.. مع الراحليـــن
ويصرخ في النــاس: هذا حرام
دمانا تضيــــــع مع العابثيــــــن
فهذي الملاعب عزف جميــــل
وليســــت حروبا على المعتدين

نحب من الخيل بعض الصهيل
ونعشـــــق فيها الجمال الضنين
ونطرب حين يغني الصغــــار
علي ضوء فجر شجي الحنيـــن
فبعض الملاعب عشق الكبــــار
وفيها نداعب حلــــم البنيــــــــن

لماذا نراها سيوفــــــا وحربـــــا
تعالــــوا نراها كنـاي حزيــــــن
فلا النصر يعني اقتتال الرفــــاق
ولا في الخســارة عار مشـــــين

على أرض سيناء دم ونـــــــــار
وفوق الجزائر تبكــي الهــــــمم
هنا كان بالأمس صوت الرجال
يهز الشـعــوب.. ويحيـي الأمم
شهيدان طافا بأرض العروبـة
غنى العـــراق بأغلى نغــــــــــم

شهيد يؤذن بيــــن الحجيـــــــج
وآخر يصرخ فوق الهــــــــرم
لقد جمعتنا دمـاء القـلــــــــــوب
فكيف افترقـــــنا بهزل القــــــدم؟!
وما زال يصرخ بين الجمــوع
قم اقــــرأ كتـابك وحـي القلــــــم

على صدر سيناء وجه عنيــد
شـــهيد يعانق طيـــــــف العلـــــــم
وفوق الجزائر نبض حزيـــن
يداري الدمــوع ويخفي الألـــــــم
تعالـوا لنجمع ما قد تبقــــــــى
فشــر الخطــايا سفيـــــــــه حكــــــم

ولم يبقَ غير عويل الذئـــاب
يطـــــارد في الليل ركـــب الغنــــــــم!
رضيتم مع الفقر بؤس الحياة
وذل الهــــــوان ويـــأس النـــــــدم
ففي كل وجه شظايا همــــــوم
وفي كل عيـــن يئن الســــــــــــــأم

إذا كان فيكم شموخ قديـــــــم
فكيف ارتــــــضيتم حــياة الـــــــــرمم؟!
تنامون حتى يموت الصبـــاح
وتبكون حتى يثور العــــــــــدم

شهيد على صدر سيناء يبكي
وفوق الجزائر يسري الغضـب
هنا جمعتنا دمـاء الرجـــــــال
فهل فرقتنا' غنــــــاوي' اللعـــب
وبئس الزمـان إذا ما استكـــان
تسـاوى الرخيص بحرّ الذهـــــب

هنا كان مجــد.. وأطلال ذكـــرى
وشـعب عـريق يسمـى العـــــرب
ويا ويلهــم.. بعــد ماضٍ عــريـق
يبيعون زيفـا بســــوق الكـــــــــــذب

ومنذ استكانوا لقهر الطغــــــاة
هنا من تـوارى.. هنا من هـرب
شعوب رأت في العويل انتصارا
فخاضت حروبا.. بسيف الخطب

على آخر الدرب يبدو شهيــــــد
يعانــق بالدمــــــع كل الرفــــــاق
أتـوا يحملون زمانــــــا قديمـــــا
لحلـــم غفا مرة.. واستفـــــــاق

فوحد أرضا.. وأغنى شعوبــــــا
وأخرجها من جحـور الشـقـــــــاق
فهذا أتي من عيون الخليـــــل
وهذا أتى من نخيل العـــــــراق

وهذا يعانق أطـــلال غــــــزة
يعلو نداء.. يطــول العنـــــــــاق
فكيف تشرد حلم بــــــــريء
لنحيـــا مـــرارة هذا السبـــــــاق؟
ويا ويل أرض أذلـت شموخـا
لترفـــع بالزيــف وجه النفــاق

شهيد مع الفجر صلى.. ونادى
وصاح: أفيقوا كفـــــاكم فســــادا
لقد شردتكم همــوم الحيـــــاة
وحين طغى القهر فيكم.. تمادى

وحين رضيتم سكـون القبــور
شبعتم ضياعا.. وزادوا عنادا
وكم فارق الناس صبح عنيـــد
وفي آخر الليل أغفى.. وعادا

وطال بنا النوم عمرا طويــــلا
وما زادنا النـوم.. إلا سهــــادا

على صدر سيناء يبكي شهيـــد
وآخر يصرخ فـــوق الجزائـــر
هنا كان بالأمس شعــب يثـــور
وأرض تضجّ.. ومجــــــد يفاخــــــر
هنا كان بالأمس صوت الشهيد
يزلزل أرضا.. ويحمي المصائر

ينام الصغير على نار حقــــــــد
فمن أرضع الطفل هذي الكبائر؟!
ومن علم الشعب أن الحــــروب
"كـرات" تطير.. وشعب يقـامر؟!
ومن علّم الأرض أن الدماء
تراب يجف.. وحــزن يسافـــــــر

ومن علم الناس أن البطولـــــــة
شعب يباع.. وحكم يتــــــاجر؟!
وأن العروش.. عروش الطغاة
بلاد تئن.. وقهر يجـــــــاهر
وكنا نـباهي بدم الشهيــــــــــــــد
فصرنا نباهي بقصف الحناجر!
إذا ما التقينــــــا على أي أرض
فليس لنا غير صدق المشاعر
سيبقى أخي رغم هذا الصـــراخ
يلملم في الليل وجهي المهاجر

عدوي عدوي.. فلا تخــدعوني
بوجه تخفـي بمليون ساتــــــر
فخلـــف الحـــــــدود عـــدو لئيــم
إذا ما غفونا تطل الخناجـــــر
فلا تتـــركوا فتنـة العابثيـــــــــن
تشـوه عمرا نقي الضمائــــــر
ولا تغرسوا في قلــوب الصغــار
خرابا وخوفا لتعمي البصــــائر

أنا من سنين أحـــب الجـــــزائـــر
ترابا وأرضا.. وشعبـــا يغامـــر
أحب الدمــاء التي حررتــــــــــه
أحب الشموخ.. ونبل السرائر
ومصر العريقة فوق العتـــــــاب
وأكبر من كل هذي الصغــــائر

أخي سوف تبقى ضميري وسيفي
فصبر جميل.. فللــيـــل آخــر
إذا كان في الكون شيء جميـــــل
فأجمل ما فيه.. نيل.. وشاعر

Saturday, November 14, 2009

We lost the game, alhamdulillah!!!

We lost the game! Alhamdulillah!!

I have always believed that the best should win. No need to spend millions on losers and boozers who pretend to be real footballers. Nigera has been the best and I do want the best to win, and this does not make me less pateriotic. I want to see real football, and when our losers and boozers start doing their job appropriately, then I will support them.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thanks to my illness

Thanks to my illness, I now can find some time to blog again . Yesterday, I could not finish my last two classes and went home earlier than usual and took to bed. I am supposed to teach another class today but could not go. I sent a sick note to the "head of department", asking him to ask the students not to come. No answer. Not even a "hope you get better" sms. Whatever!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

ابتسم أنت في جربة

اليوم مشيت نفركس على دار بحذا البحر لزملاء يحبو يعدو جمعة في جربة. مشيت لأجونس وسط ميدون ياخي المازمزال للي تخدم غادي طابت 1300 دينار, جمعة بركة مش شهر. زعمة شنوة تسموه هذا؟ 

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The great American poet, Sylvia Plath, once wrote the following: everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

All is about expectations

All is about expectations. I have to admit that one of my flaws is to place too high expectations on people. I tend to trust others, and some of those I trusted turned to be real asssholes!!!(excuse my language but I couldn' find a better word)

The problem is that I just don't want to do the opposite simply because, in my eyes, humans do count. The inner feelings that, by not trusting others, I might not do justice someone out there is something I simply cannot put up with. You may call this utter stupidity on my part but that's just the way it is, and I don't want to do otherwise.

I don't want to give examples because this relates to my life, to people who think themselves friends, people who roll up their eyes at your success, people who give you the measure-up test, people who think of you as stepping stones, people who find their own success in others' failure, people who take you for a fool simply because you are different, people who are unable to get things done without your help and then start finding faults with all you do so that they feel they are there alive and kicking!!!

I don't know if life is meant to be this way. All sucks!!! friendship sucks!!! The worth and value I have always put on people has been, much to my chagrin and disappointment, dwindling. Can anyone of you people out there explain to me why no one is really and truly happy about the success of friends and colleagues? Can anyone out there tell me why on earth a lousy 10 dollar note is more valued than frienship, is valued more than the smile you will never give to the person sitting next to you in the tube?? Can anyone out there give me a convincing answer as to why on earth are we afraid of, suspicious of others. Why on earth are some of the opinions we voice being taken personally??

I am bemoaning, I know!! I am not compalining!! I learnt not to, and I learnt it the hard way. I am not angry as some people may think. I AM PASSIONATE, and there is no wrong with being passionate.

All is about expectations!! May be because you might think I expect too much from people. Actually, I don't expect too much from people. I simply expect the BEST from people.

Monday, April 6, 2009

It's been stolen from me, for three years!! And now it's back!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

النفس تبكي

النفس تبكي على الدنيا وقد علمت * أن السعادة فيها ترك ما فيها
لا دار للمرء بعد الموت يسكنها * إلا التي كان قبل الموتِ بانيها
فإن بناها بالخير طاب مسكنه * وإن بناها بشر خاب بانيها

أموالنا لذوي الميراث نجمعها * ودورنا لخراب الدهر نبنيها
أين الملوك التي كانت مسلطنة * حتى سقاها بكأس الموت ساقيها
فكم مدائنِ في الافاق قد بنيت * أمست خراباً وأفنى الموت أهليها
لا تركنن الى الدنيا وما فيها * فالموت لا شك يُفنينا ويُفنيها

لكل نفس وان كان على وجل * من المنـِية امال تقويها
المرء يبسطها والدهر يقبضُها * والنفس تنشرها والموت يطويها

إنما المكارم أخلاق مطهرة * الدين أولها والعقل ثانيها
والعلم ثالثها والحلم رابعها * والجود خامسها والفضل سادسها
والبر سابعها والشكر ثامنها * والصبر تاسعها واللين باقيها

والنفس تعلم أني لا أصادقها * ولست أرشد إلا حين أعصيها

واعمل لدارٍ غداً رضوان خازنها * والجار أحمد والرحمن ناشيها
قصورها ذهب والمسك طينتها * والزعفران حشيش نابت فيها
أنهارها لبن محض ومن عسل * والخمر يجري رحيقاً في مجاريها
والطير تجري على الأغصان عاكفةً * تسبح الله جهراً في مغانيها
من يشتري الدار في الفردوس يعمرها * بركعة في ظلام الليل يحييها
شعر للإمام أمير المؤمنين علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

I have just finished reading Harry Potter and the deathly hallows (Volume 7) and hated it. After all, it was not Harry Potter's story, but Dumbledores'. 

Just like in a romance, the good ended happily and the bad unhappily. It was fiction, after all. But honestly, I think that the writer was too tired and just wanted to finish it.  

Friday, February 27, 2009

Tracy Chapman

Tracy Chapman has always meant something to me. This is one of her best songs. I like the lyrics and all that sensation unleashed when she sings. I really feel that she has something to say, something to convey; and this makes all the difference. 

Telling stories

There is fiction in the space between 

The lines on your page of memories 
Write it down but it doesn't mean 
You're not just telling stories 

There is fiction in the space between 
You and reality 
You will do and say anything 
To make your everyday life 
Seem less mundane 
There is fiction in the space between 
You and me 

There's a science fiction in the space between 
You and me 
A fabrication of a grand scheme 
Where I am the scary monster 
I eat the city and as I leave the scene 
In my spaceship I am laughing 
In your remembrance of your bad dream 
There's no one but you standing 

Leave the pity and the blame 
For the ones who do not speak 
You write the words to get respect and compassion 
And for posterity 
You write the words and make believe 
There is truth in the space between 

There is fiction in the space between 
You and everybody 
Give us all what we need 
Give us one more sad sordid story 
But in the fiction of the space between 
Sometimes a lie is the best thing 
Sometimes a lie is the best thing

Monday, January 26, 2009

Free Hugs

I was in the London Hyde Park when a man holding a banner with "FREE HUGS" written on it passed by. I made one step back for a second wondering what this guy wanted to say. At the time, I did not know about the Free Hugs Compaign, but then when I was back in Tunisia I read about it somewhere.

The idea that someone you do not know may be offering you a hug regardless of your gender, age, skin colour, looks, etc. may seem a bit awkward if taken at face value, especially in a muslim country if the two huggers are of different genders (amazingly the opposite may be considered weired in the west. Can a male hug a male? I know this is commonplace now in the West, but is everybody positive on it?)

The thing is that, today, in this ugly, shallow, and materialistic world no body feels safe. The rat race imposed on us by us, by our conditioning is turning us into very ugly monsters. We no longer trust our neighbours. How many of us salute neighbours in the morning? How many of us are ready to give a day's work for somebody who is in despearate need of something? How many of us are happy for others' success? 

This monster haunting us. Our fear of others's success. Our envy of others' success. Who said: man is merely and exclusively a wolf to his brother man? HE IS.

This is why hugs (and may be love) are sought after in the most unlikely places. We are ready to hug a starnger simply because he / she is not a an immediate threat to us being the best of all!!!! I know for sure that the person passing by is despearte for a hug. May be the spouse or the partner or the friend or whomsoever was not much of a hugger, and the hug is by now a kind of ritual we all must share simply and only because we have done so for years.

This campaign for free hugs best illustrates our collective need for a look within and our collective failure as human beings.